100 days of code - Day 40 - Capstone day 2... Hitting the wall.
Today was a hard day. It was my first day back at work after two weeks of leave, so I didn't get to my day of code until after work. The kids were a bit crazy and it was all just exhausting. I wasn't feeling the project. I had written most of it yesterday. A script to get data from a google sheet, cross reference it with a set of flight data from an API to see if there were any cheap flights between specific locations in specific date ranges. I wrote it yesterday with an SMS via Twilio if anything was "cheap". This was all working, it was a little half arsed as I didn't stretch out my time frames or message details. Today's extension of that code was to be able to "subscribe" to the list and have the script email everyone the deals that were found. I did the basics of creating users in the list, checking if the emails matched (you had to enter it twice), and even check if the email already existed. I got it to recheck all the flights, added in some...