100 days of code day 38
Today I completed day 38 of my course. This was a special day because it was the first without a walk through.
The task consisted of using 2 APIs, one to use nutritionix API to use AI to determine the amount of calories burned from a simple sentence (like "I ran 20km")
The second part was to take parts of that response and push them to a google sheet using sheety
The task itself wasnt overly complicated.
I created my accounts and added my details to my .env file.
I couldnt get it to work. I ran my script over and over again (for about an hour). I checked and rechecked all my information. After many efforts and retries, I realised I had forgotten to run load_dotenv()
I felt like an idiot, but I moved forward.
I later had further troubles as I didnt know that tokens and secret keys couldnt contain spaces, so that was a good learning for me.
Outside of the course, I moved my flask site over to heroku (https://falzon-folio.herokuapp.com) which i plan to do some more work on.
It also includes my first machine learning model as an api end point (not documented as yet, but im working on that.
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